What can you expect from 2022?

When we were celebrating the New Year bash of 2020, we hardly knew what we were celebrating. We barely knew that the year we are celebrating is gifting us with a new kind of cane to beat up humanity in the slimiest, creepiest possible way — in such a way that we couldn’t even fight back immediately, we couldn’t even see our enemies. We were throttled by a microscopic enemy in such a way that humanity went in hiding for a long time: Literally. The roads were abandoned, we were imprisoned in our homes, stepping outside was a crime, we were literally living a horror movie.

Then came 2021. I remember Covid was down at that time in many countries, we had just made the vaccine at break0neck speed and most countries had started vaccinating, it was a real hopeful year for us. I even took that opportunity to fly half-way around the world to go live in India for a few months, where Covid was receding, like a bad dream. Then came April. And the ghastly 2nd wave, in which my home country, India, was sent into a state of shock, mourning and fear. All other countries were once again in a state of lockdown. Canada had closed its borders, and listen to podcast or view on YouTube

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